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Welcome to Adentchyk-Badentchyk / press

Adentchyk-Badentchyk  is a Workshop with specialization on the production of traditional folk clothing for children, as well as on the creation of special toys.

All products of the workshop are created by hand, deeply thought out, individual with a maximum of natural materials, made in Germany, and love for every detail.

If you want to know more, you will find a detailed description of our workshop in the section  "About us" and news in the "Blog" section .


We are also available for a personal meeting.



Victoria Shcherban (CEO)

In the press

 Adentchyk-Badentchyk in "Marie Claire" Magazine

                      Go to the article

 Adentchyk-Badentchyk  in "Uman News"

                      Go to the article

Adentchyk-Badentchyk in "Першa Шпалтa


Go to 14:28 for our interview

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