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Аденчик Баденчик
поїхав по зайчик.
Задком - передком
на Калишин двір,
а Калишина душа
отворяє ворота
ключиком, замочком, 
золотим платочком.
Звідти вийшов Родеон,
а ти з гурту тікай вон!
Лічилочка моєї прабабусi Даруні

Поки діти маленькі ми повинні їм допомог
Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-15 um 21.23.31
Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-15 um 21.18.58
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Adentchyk-Badentchyk specializes in the production of traditional ukrainian clothing for children 
as on creation of special toys which helps the child to identify itself,
to look into the fairy-tale world  and for the formation of their healthy development and imagination.
All products of the workshop are created by hand, deeply thought out, individual.
At a maximum of natural materials (made in Germany) and a lot love for every detail we create
unique gifts for little ones, as well as their parents.

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